Although Mexico is one of the largest producers of chili peppers in the world, they import spicy ingredients that allow them to supply their local and foreign markets. They also need to import chili peppers from other countries such as the United States, China, Colombia and Peru.
They need to import because of the enormous demand they have for specific varieties that are the most sold, such as habanero. These other countries are providing chili peppers with the pungency and flavor characteristics very similar to their own varieties, this helps make up for the shortages of product they experience from time to time.
Another reason for importing from other countries is due to the seasonality of crops in Mexico, which leads to shortages of varieties used in their own sauces and in the sauces produced for export. To counter this, they go to tropical countries such as Colombia, that has also become an important producer of chili peppers and that can harvest all year round. In addition, Colombia has many thermal floors each ideal to a different variety either in hot or cold weather, to dry or humid conditions, acidic or alkaline soils.
The competitive prices from other countries and the free trade agreements that Mexico has achieved, also encourage sourcing its spicy ingredients abroad. Having 0% tariffs from Colombia, for example, makes importing chili peppers easy, decisive, and economically viable.
All these reasons have led Hugo Restrepo y Cía. to explore the Mexican market successfully for several years; we have found an industry very rich in research and development, and a very solid market where to sell our products. We have achieved important alliances and we are going for more in 2024. For us, being in such a powerful market is a great source of pride and we will continue looking for the best way to position Colombian chili peppers, and to continue strengthening our great production capacity for that market.
We are visiting Mexico on a trade mission and we will be in several regions showing our products. If you are part of the hot sauce industry, contact us! we are happy to make room for new potential clients!