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HUGO RESTREPO Y CIA S.A. is committed to carrying out the activities of its corporate purpose in a responsible, honest, upright, serious, transparent manner, in accordance with the highest standards of professional ethics and in compliance with the laws and regulations that govern its operations.


Transparency and Business Ethics Policy

Based on these principles and our legal obligations, HUGO RESTREPO Y CIA does not tolerate any form of corruption or transnational bribery or any action contrary to correct professional ethics.

This is why, by virtue of the provisions of Law 1474 of 2011 (Anti-Corruption Statute), Law 1778 of 2016, Law 2195 of 2022, the United Nations Convention Against Corruption adopted by the United Nations General Assembly United in 2003 and adopted by Law 970 of 2005, the Inter-American Convention against Corruption of the Organization of American States of 1996 and approved by Law 412 of 1997, Law 599 of 2000 (Colombian Penal Code) and other regulations referring to the fight against transnational bribery and corruption applicable to HUGO RESTREPO Y CIA, in line with the main international references on corporate responsibility and anti-corruption, such as the recommendations and conventions of the OECD and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of United States and, with the general purpose of promoting within the company a culture of transparency and integrity capable of positively impacting both the internal professional sphere of the company and the other legal actors in Colombia, HUGO RESTREPO Y CIA has adopted the this Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy to which each and every one of the employees of Management, the Administrative Area and Human Resources, the Agricultural Area, the Commercial and Marketing Area, the Quality Area, the Projects and Development Area are committed of Product and the Operations Area, in short, all the workers of HUGO RESTREPO Y CIA, without any exception).


Personal Data Processing Policy

In compliance with the duties established for the processing of personal data and information owned by third parties by Law 1581 of 2012 “by which general provisions are issued for the protection of personal data” and in the Single Regulatory Decree of the Sector Industry, Commerce and Tourism No. 1074 dated May 26, 2015 and No. 1759 dated November 8, 2016, as well as in the other regulations that add, modify or regulate it, HUGO RESTREPO Y CIA S.A. informs the public of our personal data processing policy.

Anonymous Reporting Channel

HUGO RESTREPO Y CIA created this anonymous reporting channel to allow anyone to confidentially and securely report suspicious activities related to risks of corruption and transnational bribery and other suspicious activities.